Thursday, January 15, 2009

1st Cloned Dog

A South Korean research team cloned the first dog ever. They have cloned many other mammals but dogs have always been tricky, they've said. But they've figured out a way. They had to wait a little bit longer for the eggs to mature.

I think this a great thing they have figured out. I would like to have a clone of my dog so i would always have at least one just like him. Sooner or later i think they will figure out a way to clone humans.

surrogate- a substitute, esp. a person deputizing for another in a specific role or office

miscarried- fail to attain an intended or expected outcome

devalue- reduce or underestimate the worth or importance of

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Stress KILLS

Stress can make your cells die faster! Scientists have ran a study on if stress will shorten your life. They got 58 healthy women and ran tests and asked them on a daily basis how much stress there was. They've actually figured out there is a part of DNA called a telomeres and stress will shorten them. In a cell, telomeres are responsible for the dividing of cells, when there is no more telomeres the cell will eventually die.

I think that this is a real great discovery. I thought I had a lot of stress, now i know to try not to get stressed out. I think i am even going to tell my mom about this. With all the kids she has she needs this information.

region of repetitive DNA at the end of chromosomes, which protects the end of the chromosome from destruction

an enzyme that adds specific DNA sequence repeats to the 3' end of DNA strands in the telomere regions, which are found at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes

provocative- causing annoyance, anger, or another strong reaction, esp. deliberately

Monday, November 24, 2008

Parasitic SMELLING Plants

volatile- easy to evaporate
impatiens- an East African plant with abundant red, pink, or white flowers. It is often grown as a houseplant, and its many hybrids are grown as bedding plants.
parasitic- infest as like a parasite

Scientists found out that a dodder plant (more like a weed) is attracted to scent. They ran tests on it & found it is more attracted to tomato plants. It was labeled among the top 10 worst weeds. When it sprouts it doesn't have roots, it just has to find a good host to cling to. It was even attracted to perfume! This means scientists have found it to be the only one to grow toward scent.

I am glad we don't have dodders around here. But i don't know, there could be some. I think it is pretty cool it is able to get the chemicals from the air and grow toward the victim plant(kind of like a blind tiger). Although it doesn't kill the plant i still wouldn't like them around here.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Rattlesnake Vaccination for Dogs

Rattlesnake Vaccine for Dogs

There are scientists that created a snake vaccine that will help dogs survive rattlesnake bites. But even when you have vaccinated your dog you need to get him to the vet fast because it still might not cause it to go away. Some people say it works some say it doesn't, but it still wouldn't hurt to go get your dog vaccinated.

If i knew about this earlier i would have gone to get our dogs vaccinated. I know what it feels like to lose a dog because i have lost 2 to rattlesnake bites. And since we live in an area like we do with lots of rattlesnakes it would be a good idea. For just an example the past week my dad killed one on the road and it was 3 1/2 feet long. So i think if you have a dog, GET IT VACCINATED

Thursday, October 30, 2008


After a motorcycle accident, Mitchell had to amputate her left arm. After that the doctor gave a her a prosthetic arm. When somebody said that they had come up with a targeted reinnervation surgery Mitchell went to them immediately and it proved successful.

I think it was a big risk to take that procedure, but after it started working i thought it was a pretty good idea. I never thought it was that hard to do regular things we do today that was impossible for her to do before this. I don't think I would have the guts to go through a procedure for that.